Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ummm, is it really December?

Apologies to all who have been reading, if any have been reading! Thanksgiving got a little more elaborate and distracting than I intended, and breaking a small bone in my right hand in the middle of food prep (while completely sober, natch) derailed me for a bit, too.

While I'm in the midst of getting myself together again, check out the following links if you haven't already run across them:

Slate discusses whether takeout can actually be "green."

NY Mag unearths some locavore artifacts from a few wars ago.

And if you're local -- or just interested -- check out the Franklin County Community Development Corporation's Food Processing Center. Some very cool stuff from Pioneer Valley producers is made at this facility, and distributed to our favorite local stores. I am interested in exploring this program a bit more -- if I do, I'll follow up with a post.

More original content will follow, very shortly!

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